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The French stretch ceilings have 100 full colors and more than 50 species. Unlike other ceilings French stretch ceilings have obvious advantages, such as heat endurance,sound insulation and absorption, quick and clean installation, long-years’guarantee, availability, flexibility,heat insulation, environmentally they are clear ,during the time do not take side smells, give the opportunity to actualize any idea of the design, are being combined with other ceilings etc. On these ceilings can be installed various types of devices such as lighting, sound, conditioner, fire prevention,video maker and so on.

ANZ company performs the installation of French stretch ceilings with the newest technology and by such means which allow dismantled, if necessary and by which it separates from  
Show more non-professional companies, offering similar services in the market. It is to be noted that the French stretch ceilings, in the price final calculation, with the benefits listed above, are more affordable than plasterboard or other types of ceilings. ANZ company carries out the works exclusively by French production , which provides flawless high quality and durability.Stretch ceilings have become the synonym of durability and high quality. Many countries try to produce similar material, but the stretch ceilings produced in France are still indisputably considered to be unmatched.

ANZ company provides a guarantee for any made order, and our suggested product has certificates which indicate about fire safety and sanitary properties. French stretch ceilings are ideal for offices, apartments, shops, night clubs, casinos, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, kindergartens, industrial areas, swimming pools, cultural, sport and other institutions.

For the first time such ceilings have been appeared in Frence in the 60s of last century , but their comfort and beautiful look quickly attracted the world and just in France manufacturig technologies of this product increased to perfection. Should be emphasized, that stretch ceilings based on the conception of armenian spatialists , and the material prototype cloth is from cotton.

The beauty and reliability of stretch ceilings are used and valued for over 30 years all over the world.

It should be noted, that you are offered a huge choice. According to your wishes, we can prepare the ceilings as well as your imagination allows. The ceilings can have different colors and structure. you can select brilliant or without luster,solid color, particoloured , shaped, as well as satine, velvet, leather and other types of posters for your ceiling. Even it is possible to depict on the ceiling various images of nature or the canvases of well-known painters. The comfort of French streatch ceilings is also expressed in terms ,that your apartment is well equipped from the neighbors’ floods. Some don't use tese ceilings with the advice of the architects fearing that tese are for one-time use according to their wrong opinion.But ore 10 years' experience shows that it doesn't correspond to reality.If there are various communications, devices behid the ceiling , so the most correct and easyest way to avoid of the water flow is again our offered ceilings as they can keep on 1 square meter up to 100 liters of water. Moreover, the walls of the flat wan't be spoiled .And what is happaning with the ceiling of your house usually,when the water fills from the upper floor, perhaps there is no need to remind.But let’s return to our represented product. French stretch ceilings can be removed and installed again, as in terms of their installation, technologies are also used in France , successfully tested strenthening bagets with the technology. Thise approach allows to desptroy and install the ceiling for 3-5 times without harming it.

After the extraction of water flow the ceilings are returned to their initial position and continue to serve you for many years.

Not always the residential area corresponds to our notions about the perfect. And it is a very natural desire to change something as the sitting room or the hall for negotiations has a particularly good look . The solution of such a great desire the French stretch ceilings are. No kind of interior decor can compete with these ceilings in term of transfiguration of any institution.The Stretch ceilings can add air and light in the darkness of small spaces, expertly playing in the visual space.

Most of the residential buildings, built during the Soviet Union, mainly so-called khrushchovkas,are not only small in size, but have low ceilings . The Franch stretch ceilings do not have an alternative solution to this problem. If your apartment ceiling is approximately 2.5 meters, it is necessary to use the possibilities offered by polished versions of the French stretch ceilings.In the case of all low ceilings our offered material is the only, which can solve the problem.

The French stretch ceilings can have any curvature. The material and the ceiling structure allows to get even the most unusual forms with sharp and smooth passages. At the same time we must also take into account that:

 For material used for these ceilings is given 10-years’ guarranty, but dates used for these ceilings are not limited in the time.
 The Stretch ceilings hide all the disparities of the main ceilings , spots caused by the water flow and other defects.Thuse the wires of air-filtering , lighting and switching on of the fire system etc. will remain unnoticed.
 If it is necessary to carry out additional work, the French stretch ceilings are easily being removed and տհե installation does not impact negatively on its quality.

Thus, we offer you the ideal combination of price and quality . Considering the long period use of the stretch ceilings , their strength, waterproofness, flawless appearance and relatively not high price, we can make the conclusion about the advantages over the traditional types of ceilings.
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  • The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings
  • The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings
  • The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings
    The French stretch ceilings


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