Lila Day Spa And Beauty Salon - Yerevan, Armenia
Lila Day Spa And Beauty Salon
1 Review
Lila Day Spa And Beauty Salon0010, Pushkini St., Building 40(374-10)539491, (374-93)993373
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Lila Day Spa And Beauty Salon
0010, Pushkini St., Building 40, Yerevan, Armenia
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Lila Day Spa And Beauty Salon0010, Pushkini St., Building 40(374-10)539491, (374-93)993373
Worst spa experience EVER! The jet massaging machine was a total ripe off. Not only did it rattle and shake for 8 minutes, it ended up scorching my skin with the only two jets that were working. I ended up jumping out of the faulty unmaintained piece of scrap they called "sTate of the art" machinery and called for technician. Refusing to further continue the service, they still refused to discount the service stating that "you used the machine." Apparently, they consider 8 minutes in an out dated and faulty machine "USE." They still charged full price and asked to give me a discount for my next visit. Next time? Are you kidding? You unjustly took my money for an unfulfilled service and burned me in the process. These people should be ashamed of them selves! Stay Clear!!!!!
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