Company name
0001, Avag Petrosyan St. 13-18, Yerevan, Armenia
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 8:00-19:00
  • Tuesday: 8:00-19:00
  • Wednesday: 8:00-19:00
  • Thursday: 8:00-19:00
  • Friday: 8:00-19:00
  • Saturday: 9:00-14:00
  • Sunday: 9:00-14:00
Contact Person
Ruben S. Astsaturyan, Director
Company manager
Eduardo Ascencio
Establishment year
Company description
Dear CEO,

By the present, kindly allowed to introduce my self and company: My name is Ray Tijerina, and I am the international sales manager of Industrias Wet-Line, S.A. de C.V.

We are a Mexican company, leader in America on the manufacture, commercialize and export of the next Xtreme branded professional & quality styling hair products:

¬ Styling hair gel on a wide variety of presentations, fixing levels and special formulas developed to care and maintain a shiny, health and well combed look on any kind of hair.
¬ Serum anti-frizz with thermo protection to restructure damaged hair and avoid risk using straighters and dryers.
¬ Shampoo on three varieties to care and maintain clean and fresh any kind of hair.
¬ Hair Wax on two different presentations: natural and  
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Now, in order to expand our commercial & marketing business with our Xtreme branded products worldwide; we are looking for a business partner in Armenia.

For that reason and because your experienced company is a good prospect from us, kindly I invite to visit our web pages & in order to learn more about our company and our Xtreme professional & quality hair products for your evaluation.

We are a quality company with a professional team, last generation equipment, enough manufacture capability to new projects (with our Xtreme brand or for develop of private labels), professional export experience and a worldwide liability assurance police, who offer to you and your company a business & commercial representation opportunity in Armenia. We are sure that our Xtreme products will complement very well your portfolio helping to increase your core business, profit and dealing chances with actual and/or new customers in your market, because:

+ We are the mayor manufacturer of styling gel in America and you will receive all the advice and support from us and /or our exclusive distributor for Europa based in Madrid, Spain.
+ We have enough experience on export a logistic process for international business.
+ We are manufacturers & suppliers of private labels for important companies like: Henkel-Schwarzkopf, Wal-Mart, H-E-B, Chedraui, S-mart, FASA, and Oxxo Stores.
+ You can find our products in America stores and supermarkets like: K-mart, Wal-Mart, H-E-B, Walgreen’s, CVS, Rite Aid and Price Smart.
+ We are able to change our labels and presentations if are necessary, in order to accomplish with international authorities, market, health, custom and legal specifications.
+ We have a quality certificated by independent authorized laboratories in America and Europe for all our portfolio of products.
+ We do not use ethylic alcohol and other restricted additives or ingredients for FDA and the European Community in our styling gel formulas or any cosmetic Xtreme branded product.
+ We add to our Xtreme styling gel different care & improve factors and additives for better fixation and formulation to maintain a healthy & shiny hair with the best all-day look for any kind of hair on any kind of weather.
+ We will support and advice to your sales & marketing staff and also your customers sales teams on a permanent way about the perfect commercial & marketing plan for the launching, promoting and selling process for each gap of market to assurance the best result and profit for both.
+ We offer to you a partnership work, with permanent assistance in person from Mexico or Spain to guarantee our advice, support, help, solution and a long term commercial and business partners relationship.

Thank you very much for your attention, and in the hope to have good news from you soon by this way, receive my best regards.


Raymundo Armando Tijerina Avila
International Sales Manager
Europe|UK|Middle East|Asia|Africa|Oceania

Industrias Wet-Line, S.A. de C.V.|Av. Tigre #2140|Colonia El Tigre|45203 Zapopan, Jalisco; México
Phone: (52-33) 4777.00.30 ext.3354|Mobil:(52-33) 3167.59.50|Fax: (52-33) 4777.00.30 ext. 3396
Email: [email protected]|Skype: raymundo.tijerina||
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