Giza - hotel and restaurant complex in Yerevan, Armenia - Armenia
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Giza - hotel and restaurant complex in Yerevan, Armenia
Dzoraghbyur, 1st sq. 33, Yerevan, Armenia
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Company description
Giza hotel-restaurant complex invites all the tourists, travelers and compatriots who need some rest or just decided to have a great time in a friendly atmosphere, to their big and beautiful place. We will help you to relax, restore your forces and just have a good time. You will feel like the the world revolves around you and like it will stop by the sleight of a hand.
One of the important things about Giza hotel-restaurant complex is its location, which is a perfect one for our guests. The complex is situated in Djrvezh which is one of the eco-friendly places in Yerevan, the one with clean and fresh water and air. Togethar with the neighboring districts Dzoraghbyur and Bagrevand, they form the purest and landscaped part of the Armenian capital. This place is perfect for living,
From the building a great view to Mount Ararat opens, and if you turn around you’ll see another great view to Mount Aragats, which is one of the “must visit” places for tourists who came to travel to Armenia.
Being away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can fully enjoy your holiday and trip to Armenia. The interior that combines modern and classic elements, the facilities located in the building and the professional approach of our staff will make you feel comfort and enjoy the fresh air of the place without thinking about anything. You will enjoy our services and the high quality delicious dishes made by our professional chefs and that fact will guarantee your interesting and great time in Armenia.
If you add the friendly and polite attitude of the natives, the wide variety of rooms, and the unforgettable taste of national dishes to all this, than you can be sure that your perfect holiday in Armenia is ready.
Giza hotel-restaurant complex can satisfy all your wishes. We can help everybody whether they are tourists looking for the places of interest in Armenia, people who are looking for some tasty food or just a citizen looking for a peace and comfort.
One of the important things about Giza hotel-restaurant complex is its location, which is a perfect one for our guests. The complex is situated in Djrvezh which is one of the eco-friendly places in Yerevan, the one with clean and fresh water and air. Togethar with the neighboring districts Dzoraghbyur and Bagrevand, they form the purest and landscaped part of the Armenian capital. This place is perfect for living,
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relaxing and having fun.From the building a great view to Mount Ararat opens, and if you turn around you’ll see another great view to Mount Aragats, which is one of the “must visit” places for tourists who came to travel to Armenia.
Being away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can fully enjoy your holiday and trip to Armenia. The interior that combines modern and classic elements, the facilities located in the building and the professional approach of our staff will make you feel comfort and enjoy the fresh air of the place without thinking about anything. You will enjoy our services and the high quality delicious dishes made by our professional chefs and that fact will guarantee your interesting and great time in Armenia.
If you add the friendly and polite attitude of the natives, the wide variety of rooms, and the unforgettable taste of national dishes to all this, than you can be sure that your perfect holiday in Armenia is ready.
Giza hotel-restaurant complex can satisfy all your wishes. We can help everybody whether they are tourists looking for the places of interest in Armenia, people who are looking for some tasty food or just a citizen looking for a peace and comfort.
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