FRESCA Restaurant Club Cafe - Yerevan, Armenia
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Restaurant name
FRESCA Restaurant Club Cafe
30/2 Paronian Street, Yerevan, Armenia
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Tuesday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Wednesday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Thursday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Friday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Saturday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
- Sunday: 12:00 PM–3:00 AM
Contact Person
Liana KhalatyanCompany manager
Liana KhalatyanEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
"Fresca Club Café Restaurant was founded more than 25 years ago, on the site of archaeological excavations, in the oldest quarter of the city, Kond district.
Fresh products, delicious food of local and European cuisine, colorful interior, objects of art all around, various halls and verandas forming a multi-level complex, old and cozy Armenian backyard under the vines, centuries’ old entrance to catacombs rooting all under the Kond quarter. Friendly staff speaks Armenian Russian and English.
The restaurant is home to city's two famous clubs - «Fresca Kids» for birthdays, corporate parties and family events for people from 7 to 97 years old, and «Midnight Society Club» (known as Midnighters or «Полуночники») for intellectual pastime."
Fresh products, delicious food of local and European cuisine, colorful interior, objects of art all around, various halls and verandas forming a multi-level complex, old and cozy Armenian backyard under the vines, centuries’ old entrance to catacombs rooting all under the Kond quarter. Friendly staff speaks Armenian Russian and English.
The restaurant is home to city's two famous clubs - «Fresca Kids» for birthdays, corporate parties and family events for people from 7 to 97 years old, and «Midnight Society Club» (known as Midnighters or «Полуночники») for intellectual pastime."
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